Open RFCs

Property Hooks

A new way of interacting with properties

61% 39%
118 yes
77 no
The Pipe Operator

The "pipe operator" |> allows you to chain multiple function calls in a more convenient way.

68% 32%
261 yes
122 no
Short Closures 2.0

This RFC proposes a way to have multi-line short closures — closures that don't need explicit use statements, but can still have multiple lines and a return statement.

85% 15%
373 yes
66 no

Argument of the Day


Since I'm working also with Kotlin I desperatly crave for a feature like this. At least if it is as powerful as in Kotlin where I could e.g. change the setter to be protected or private while the getter can be public

Read the RFC: Property Hooks eydamos avatar
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