Property Hooks

Developers often use methods to wrap and guard access to object properties. There are several highly common patterns for such logic, which in practice may be verbose to implement repeatedly. Alternatively, developers may use __get and __set to intercept reads and writes generically, but that is a sledge-hammer approach that intercepts all undefined (and some defined) properties unconditionally. Property hooks provide a more targeted, purpose-built tool for common property interactions.

class User 
    public string $name {
        set {
            if (strlen($value) === 0) {
                throw new ValueError("Name must be non-empty");
            $this->name = $value;
    public function __construct(string $name) {
        $this->name = $name;

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cool stuff! think it would be great way to remove validation from the constructor when implementing a value object

mohammad avatar
voted yes

That would simplify our lives a lot in the day-to-day tasks like validation, data handling, transformation, etc. Paring this with Attributes can give us a lot of fire power! ;)

joelpiccoli avatar
voted yes

It could be used by ORMs like Laravel Eloquent Model that has cast and other hooks to transform data on get/set.

This would be really useful if this hooks could be added externally. So we can use attributes to add generic validation or transformation hooks.

gromnan avatar
voted yes

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